Finding Luxury Egyptian Cotton Sheets Suited for Your Sleep Pattern

pure parima certified egyptian cotton sheets sleeper

What type of sleeper are you? No, we’re not talking about whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach. These days, researchers and scientists divide sleepers into four to six chronotypes based on their sleep patterns. Depending on the chronotype to which you belong, you may have a different pattern of sleeping and wakefulness. Moreover, there’s some evidence that chronotype and personality type are connected, with experts believing that personality could impact how the body reacts to certain stimuli.

So, which type of sleeper are you? Keep reading to discover the secrets to your sleep schedule and what it says about your overall health and wellness, along with tips on getting better rest.


Early bird? Perhaps that expression is based on the lark, as this animal is known for being an early riser. In fact, a lark’s biological clock runs faster than a regular clock. For this reason, larks tend to be most productive in the mornings and grow tired as the day goes on.


On the other hand, maybe you don’t really get started until the sun goes down. Unlike larks, owls rise later in the day and are active in the evenings and at night. If you tend to stay up late and sleep in, you might have this sleep style.


Like larks, people with the lion chronotype tend to rise early. They’re also analytical thinkers who generally feel optimistic about the world around them.


If you don’t like people to talk to you before coffee, you might be a member of the wolf chronotype. In general, wolves get up in the late morning, have an energetic period in the evening, and then go to bed after midnight. This personality type is associated with risk taking and impulsivity.


Cheerful and outgoing, members of the bear chronotype tend to be conflict avoidant. So, it’s no surprise that they prize loyalty in friends and family members. Additionally, bears enjoy their sleep, not reaching full productivity until midday.


Finally, dolphins are associated with intelligence and perfectionism. However, they can also be anxious. If you’re regularly active around 7pm, you might belong to this grouping.

How to Get Better Sleep

Regardless of your chronotype, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to your overall health and wellness. Not only does sleep help with learning and memory, but it’s crucial for fighting infection and preventing diabetes and other conditions. Keep reading for Pure Parima’s top tips on getting more rest:

Open the Curtains

It’s easy to linger in bed if the room is dark and your blankets are warm. To avoid lying in bed all day, make an effort to open the curtains. Sun exposure helps get your body clock working so you’re ready to go in the morning. The end result is that you’ll fall asleep faster at night.

pure parima certified egyptian cotton sheets open bedroom curtains

Hit the Gym

When was the last time you got some exercise? Even a short walk or jog can be enough to help you fall asleep easier. If it’s too cold outside in your neck of the woods, consider joining a gym or purchasing a piece of home exercise equipment. A quick stroll on the treadmill may be just the thing to help you drift off to Dreamland.

running treadmill fitness gym active health

Turn Off Your Phone

These days, many people have a bad habit of reading on their phones or iPads before going to sleep. The problem is that electronic devices emit a blue light that’s known to keep you awake. For best results, opt to read a physical book or use a Kindle before bed and leave your phone in another room.

Rethink Your Bedding

It’s hard to fall asleep if your bedding isn’t comfortable. If you want to improve the quality and quantity of sleep you’re getting, think about swapping out your old bedding for Egyptian cotton sheets and pillowcases. Those seeking a bedding set with the feel of silk will surely be enamored with our Hira Sheet Set. Made from 100 percent Giza Egyptian cotton, this lustrous collection boasts contemporary accent diamond embroidery and comes complete with a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and two coordinating pillowcases. Plus, the sateen weave will surely keep you warm on even the coldest of winter nights.

pure parima egyptian cotton sheet set

Then again, maybe you like your Egyptian cotton sheets on the crisp side. For percale lovers, our Ultra Percale Sheet Set  is a natural choice. At once crisp and cooling, this sheet collection will make you feel like you’re slumbering in a five-star hotel every night. Opt for the classic White set or spruce things up with a bolder Carbon color.

pure parima egyptian cotton sheets

Dream of Better Sleep with Pure Parima

Tired of worrying about the quality of your bedding? With Pure Parima, you can rest assured knowing we’re committed to truth and transparency. Our labels reflect our authenticity, with every item we sell bearing the coveted Cotton Egypt Association seal of approval. If you’re ready to get a better night’s sleep, shop our Egyptian cotton sheet selection today. We’re confident you’ll enjoy the experience.

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